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Managed Web Hosting

What is Managed Web Hosting?

Every website needs a web hosting provider. There are thousands of web hosting providers, and a majority are unmanaged web hosting. For example, if you visit GoDaddy, you can purchase a domain name and web hosting service all for a low monthly payment. Cheap hosting is often unmanaged hosting, where you are in charge of the entire hosting account.

What’s the downside to unmanaged hosting?

First and foremost, you are responsible for your hosting account. When you sign up for cheap web hosting, you might experience the following issues:

Slow Website Performance

Often times hosting providers cram thousands of websites onto each server. Their primary focus is volume, and the downside to this is degraded performance of your website. A slow website can hurt your SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) Source: Page Speed Included as a Ranking Factor

Website Security & Vulnerabilities

Today, WordPress and many other CMS (Content Management Systems) powers most websites on the Internet. When you install or work with such applications and use a cheap web hosting provider, you may be vulnerable to hacking or website errors. Often times, PHP or other server applications are out-dated, which may act as backdoor entry to your website getting hacked. With a managed web hosting provider such as Kingsbury Web, we continually update our servers and adopt new security measures to keep your website safe and secure. We also keep your web application up-to-date to protect your website from the latest vulnerabilities.

Horrible Customer Service

Nothing is more annoying than trying to contact your hosting provider for questions or technical problems. I personally have been with many web hosts over the years and I’ve experienced the headache in having to contact GoDaddy, HostGator, Bluehost or other providers when my website was offline. Since they host millions of websites, their call volume during outages is very high, and as a result, they’re unreachable.

Why Choose Kingsbury Web Managed Hosting?

We provide managed web hosting out of our local Datacenter in Boston, MA.
Let us handle your website performance, security, backups (local and remote), and be your go-to for website updates & changes.

What Can I Expect?

When moving your website or application to Kingsbury Web, you’ll notice a drastic improvement in performance. In addition to performance, we always keep our servers operating system (Windows or Linux), firewall, and other hosting applications up-to-date to protect against vulnerabilities. We also adopt newer technologies to take advantage of the latest trends. If your website has experienced degraded performance or security, you may also notice an improvement in your SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) when you switch over to Kingsbury Web.

Take the headache out by letting us manage your entire hosting account, updates, backups and security.

Contact Us Today for your Free Consultation